Wednesday, October 20, 2010



  • 1. The act of restoring; renewal, revival, or reestablishment.
  • 2. The state or fact of being restored.

Ez 37: 5  Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again!

God wants to breath new life into your situation.

Ez 37 14 I will put my Spirit in you, and you will live again

God is in the business of restoration.

I remember long ago when I was a student at school and was given a caterpillar in a jar. We where assigned to take care of the caterpillar and make sure there was plenty of leaves for them to eat. Soon, the caterpillars would make a cocoon and look dead. My classmates and I, were worried that we did something wrong to make the caterpillar look dead. But sure enough one by one the cocoons would open up and out came the beautiful butterfly they transformed into. My cocoon didn't open up as quickly as some of my classmates did. So I became worried and nervous that I did something wrong, or that my caterpillar was dead. My teacher however was constantly assuring me that I will have a butterfly soon, and to just wait and let nature take its course. Before long, my cocoon opened up and a beautiful butterfly came out. This makes me think of God and how He is at work in the middle of what looks dead. He has the power to bring life from dead places.

Remember that God is constantly watching you to bring resurrecting life into your dead places. Look at delays in life as His love in action, just waiting for the right time to truly show you how much He loves you.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Heart To Serve

Over the last 11 years in my journey of becoming the man I am today I have developed this passion to Serve. The Bible says do unto others as you would want done unto you, Luke 6:31. What I have learned over the years is that that when we Serve a Vision with out any expectations or selfish ambition that the doorway to the impossible becomes possible. 
Every great King or Prophet, Leader or Teacher at one point or another began their journey as a Servant. One that stands out the most is King David who was chosen by God to be King. At first thought you think well he is just a shepherds boy, but what we don't see or realize is while he is just a shepherds boy looking after the sheep (serving his father) he is in training learning how to care and look after people. He is in training to learn and understand how to Lead with a Servants heart.

Matthew 20:26 says Whoever wants to be great must become a servant. 

David was a great King but before that he was a Great servant, serving (HIS KING) as one of Saul’s Armor Bearers playing a harp. 

Think about another great act if not the greatest act of servant hood is Jesus who came not to be served, but to serve, giving his life as a ransom for us to live freely on this earth.

Often I am asked, Aaron why do you serve, what is your motive?
Having a Heart to Serve is not greedy or for fame, its not even for recognition.

I serve because its how I feel connected to the Spirit of God.

11yrs ago I had no identity, I was a washed up, drug using, going nowhere fast, nobody. Till I had an encounter, I established a relationship with God and through a series of lessons (easy and hard) and People that God placed in my life that helped guide me and shape me I found my identity.

When I found my identity I found my passion it was to see lives changed, and in order to do that I saw the need  to serve the house of God in whatever capacity necessary.

Ephesians 6:7-Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men
Having a Heart to Serve is someone who is: willing, makes sacrifices, agreeable not disagreeable, no excuses, excels in everything you do, finish’s, swift, honoring, unselfish, understanding. And (ITS ALWAYS YES)
Create opportunities to serve: get out of your comfort box.
Serving sometimes is doing what you don’t want to do.
It’s doing for others before yourself
Its about seeing something and doing it before someone else does.
Serving the house is not about waiting around for direction it’s about Doing!

Establishing A Heart to Serve is powered by this quote: If you help enough people get what they want you will ultimately get what you want.

At the end of the day we will win people by how we serve them.
When we have a Heart to Serve and do it with maximum capacity everyone wins. The church is built, the Kingdom is expanded and the Devil is defeated.